Comics & Articles on Slavic Myths, Creatures,
& Legendary Tales

Short Comics

Learn about characters from Slavic folklore and mythology (spirits, deities, and characters from stories) through short, four-page comics.

Samovila, Part 2 - The Change.

Samovila - Warrior, Guardian, Nature Spirit. Part 1 - Origin.
Domovoy - home guardian spirit.

Rusalka - water spirit.

Companion Articles

In these articles I go in-depth on each of the topics covered in the comics. It's where I pour all the research, thoughts and connections I make while I read up for the comics. Sources are included.

Domovoy - guardian of the home.

The Slavic home is the domain of a spirit called the Domovoy, a small, furry creature that resembles the resident family’s ancestor. In fact, it’s one way that the Slavs remember and revere their ancestors, by manifesting the old head of the family as a guardian spir.....
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The Rusalka and The Green Week Festival.

She lives in waters, loves to sing and dance with her friends, helps the crops grow, and occasionally tickles men to death. She is the Rusalka, a female water spirit from Slavic folklore, beloved and feared for her powers. Her history, like her mossy hair, is long and.....
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I post sneak-peeks of the comics I'm working on, tidbits from the creation process, and other Slavic Folklore related artwork.

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